Noid's Geek

iATKOS S3V2 10.6.8 USB 速度超慢 fix

After installing iATKOS S3V2 , the usb speed seems very slow. It is as slow as usb1.0, no matter your usbs are 1.0 or 2.2. After hours of searching, I found the problem is actually comes from the inappropriate selection of usb fix patch while installing  iATKOS S3V2.

裝完  iATKOS S3V2 後,使用 USB 時,會發現速度只有 USB 1.0 的速度而已(2MB/S) 。後來上網找了一下,發生的原因大概是在安裝時不小心選了 USB Fix 的 patch. 只要安裝時不要選這個選項就好了。 (=.,= 那為什麼要放這個 patch...)

So, the simplest way to solve this problem is to re-install your pc-mac. Or if you are like me who have already installed a lot of things in the osx and does not want to re-install the os, Mutibeast is an another simple way to do.

阿像我這種都裝好軟體用了好幾天才發現這個問題,又不想重灌的話,那就是用...Mutibeast 啦!

First, go to tonymacx86's page and register as a member.(It's free, don't worry.)

Secondly, go to Mutibeast download page here.

Third, click on the Mutibeast of Snow Leopard link and download it.

Finally, install the Mutibeast with only check Drivers->Kext & Enablers-> Miscellaneous-> USB

After that, reboot the os and then, you will find your usb has back to 2.0 again!

首先,必需要先註冊 tonymacx86 的免費會員。
然後,到 Mutibeast 的下載頁面下載 Snow Leopard 版本的 Mutibeast.
最後,勾選安裝  Drivers->Kext & Enablers-> Miscellaneous-> USB 。
安裝完後重開機,USB 就回到 2.0 的速度啦!!!

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